Journal Publications: [Total Impact Factor = 104.3] [Total Citations: 1900+]
[J11] Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Jinjun Chen, Anomaly Detection in Blockchain Networks: A Comprehensive Survey, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, in Print, 2022. [ISI Indexed, Impact Factor = 33.84]
(Ranked # 01 Journal in Telecommunications and CS according to JCR).
[J10] Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, Jia Tina Du, and Jinjun Chen, Differentially Private Demand Side Management for Incentivized Dynamic Pricing in Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, in Print, 2022. . [ISI Indexed, Impact Factor = 9.235]
[J9] Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Jinjun Chen, Optimizing Blockchain Based Smart Grid Auctions: A Green Revolution, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Vol. 6, Issue: 1, March pp. 462-471, 2022. [ISI Indexed, Impact Factor = 3.525]
The above article has been ranked among the Top 50 most Popular Articles in IEEE TGCN in the Month of July 2021, February 2022, March 2022, and May 2022.
[J8] Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Jinjun Chen, DEAL: Differentially Private Auction for Blockchain based Microgrids Energy Trading, IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, Vol. 13, Issue: 2, pp. 263-275, 2020. [ISI Indexed, Impact Factor = 8.216]
The above article has been ranked as “Highly Cited Paper” by Clarivate Web of Science in Sep/Oct 2020, Jan/Feb 2021, and March/April 2021, May/June 2021, July/August 2021, and Nov/Dec 2021. [Total 06 times]
The above article has been ranked among the Top 50 most Popular Articles in IEEE Transactions on Services Computing in the Months of October 2019, November 2019, December 2019, January 2020, April 2020, May 2020, October 2020, November 2020, December 2020, January 2021, March 2021, April 2021, May 2021, July 2021, October 2021, December 2021, January 2022, March 2022, and May 2022.
[J7] Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, Maaz Rehan, and Jinjun Chen, Differential Privacy in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Comprehensive Survey, Springer Cognitive Computation, in Print, 2022. [ISI Indexed, Impact Factor = 4.89]
[J6] Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Jinjun Chen, Differential Privacy Techniques for Cyber Physical Systems: A Survey, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, Vol. 22, Issue: 1, pp. 746-789, First quarter 2020. [ISI Indexed, Impact Factor = 25.249]
(Ranked # 01 Journal in Telecommunications and CS according to JCR) (This article got selected in High Impact Publications by CONNECT Research Center).
The above article has been ranked as “Hot Paper” and “Highly Cited Paper” by Clarivate WoS in Nov/Dec 2021.
The above article has been ranked as “Hot Paper” and “Highly Cited Paper” by Clarivate WoS in May/June 2021.
The above article has been ranked as “Hot Paper” and “Highly Cited Paper” by Clarivate WoS in Sep/Oct 2020.
[J5] Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Jinjun Chen, Differential Privacy in Blockhain Technology: A Futuristic Approach, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing ,Vol. 145, pp. 50–74, 2020. [ISI Indexed, Impact Factor = 3.734] (A* Journal, CORE Ranking)
This article is ranked among most frequently downloaded Elsevier JPDC documents in the last 90 days according to the usage statistic in November 2020, and December 2020, January 2021, April 2021, and August 2021.
[J4] Athar Ali Khan, Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Xiaodong Yang, Data Broadcasting Strategies for Cognitive Radio based AMI Networks, Springer Wireless Networks, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp 145-164, 2020. [ISI Indexed, Impact Factor = 2.602]
[J3] Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, Ramamohanarao Kotagiri, Jiekui Zhang, and Jinjun Chen, Differential Privacy for Renewable Energy Resources based Smart Metering, Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing , Vol. 131, pp. 69-80, September 2019
[ISI Indexed, Impact Factor = 2.296] (A* Journal, CORE Ranking)
This article is ranked among most frequently downloaded Elsevier JPDC documents in the last 90 days according to the usage statistic in November 2019.
[J2] Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Jinjun Chen, Privacy Preservation in Blockchain Based IoT Systems: Integration Issues, Prospects, Challenges, and Future Research Directions, Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 97, pp. 512–529, August 2019.
[ISI Indexed, Impact Factor = 6.125]
The above article has been ranked as “Hot Paper” and “Highly Cited Paper” by Clarivate WoS in May/June 2021
The above article has been ranked as “Highly Cited Paper” by Clarivate WoS in March/April 2021.
This article is ranked among most frequently downloaded Elsevier FGCS documents in the last 90 days according to the usage statistic in November 2019, December 2019, and January 2020.
[J1] Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Yasir Faheem, Performance Evaluation of Broadcasting Strategies in Cognitive Radio Networks, Springer Wireless Networks, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp 999–1016, April 2019. [ISI Indexed, Impact Factor = 2.659]
International Conferences:
[C3] Kai Zhang, Yanjun Zhang, Ruoxi Sun, Pei-Wei Tsai, Muneeb Ul Hassan, Xin Yuan, Minhui Xue, Jinjun Chen, Bounded and Unbiased Composite Differential Privacy, IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2024. [IEEE Computer Society Flagship Conference] [CORE A* Ranking]
[C2] Abdullah A. Al-khatib, Muneeb Ul Hassan, and Klaus Mößner, Heuristic Optimization of Bandwidth Reservation Cost for Vehicular Applications, IEEE Global Communication Conference (GLOBECOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2022. [IEEE Communications Society Flagship Conference]
[C1] Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Jinjun Chen, Differentially Private Dynamic Pricing for Efficient Demand Response in Smart Grid, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2020. [IEEE Communications Society Flagship Conference]
Book Chapter:
[BC2] Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Jinjun Chen, Differentially Private RER On-Demand Reading for Edge Computing based Smart Grid Operating over Blockchain, Blockchain-enabled Fog and Edge Computing: Concepts, Architectures and Applications, Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
[BC1] Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Jinjun Chen, Performance Evaluation of Differential Privacy Mechanisms in Blockchain based Smart Metering, Blockchains for Network Security: Principles, technologies and applications, IET, 2020.
Submitted Works:
[S1] Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Jinjun Chen, VPT: Privacy Preserving Energy Trading and Block Mining Mechanism for Blockchain based Virtual Power Plants, arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.01480 (2021). [Submitted to Venue] (Link: